What’s it like being a teenager? Confusing, Tiring, Confusing, Busy, Confusing, Fun… The list could be infinite (or not) . But amidst all the confusion, mixed feelings, the wrong and the right choices, there are some signs sent by yours truly (TeenlinkJ) to guide you about the one thing that comes on your mind 34.2 times a day for you boys and 18.6 for you girls: SEX
- 70% of people have had sex for the first time as teenagers
- There are more than 19 million new STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) cases in the U.S. and nearly 50% of these cases are amoung young people aged 15-24
- Each year,750,000 of teen women between 15-19 become pregnant. 82% of teen pregnancies are unplanned
- For persons under the age of 18 (teens), condoms fail for 18.4% of couples within 12 months (mostly because people haven't learned to put them on right. So... it would probably be a good idea to learn how. Check this out!)
Wow. Those facts might have hit you hard, like an F on a final or you might have shrugged them off because you don't feel like they apply to you, but the fact of the matter is that there is a similarity with every single one of these facts: teens. Teens like you and me. Your stance on these facts, whether it be yay or nay, it is important for teens to be educated about sex and sexual health because these are two very relevant aspects of our life. Hold on, you might say- this doesn’t apply to me at all. Think again- expand your circle to not just you, but maybe your rebellious sister or even your friend in a committed long term relationship. Also, maybe it doesn't apply to you now, but this knowledge and information that will apply to you at some point in your life. Knowing about sexual health is one life lesson that you will actually need, unlike a lot of the useless information we get in school. And I don't know about you, but I would rather be prepared than look like an idiot, or have something bad happen to myself or one of my friends. So make sure you and the people you care about have someone or somewhere to turn to with questions (Teenlink J).
*Did you know that you can get FREE testing for STDs/STIs, pregnancy, get FREE contraceptives (condoms, birthcontrol, plan B, the implant,etc.), AND talk with professionals about your options in a safe and CONFIDENTIAL (like you don't need parents permission and parents don't even have to know) way at Public Health Centers all over King County for FREE!!! I don't know if you picked up on this, but all of the services are FREE And CONFIDENTIAL for teens! Check it out!
For more information on this topic check out MTVs website. They have some awesome information about how and why it is important to get tested, how to talk to your partner(s), and the real deal about relationships.
Also, if you ever want to talk to someone your own age more about all of this, if you have any questions, fears, or just need to talk, Teen Link is open every night from 6-10pm. We have an online chat service or you can call us at 866TeenLink or 866.833.6546.
Take advantage of summer and let it be a time to let your hair breathe. There's no need to blow dry and straighten it everyday. Let it grow long so Johnny Cometa you will enjoy the look of side braids, pony tails, buns, etc. Also, something I love to do is shower before I go to sleep- wait till my hair is damp (pretty close to being almost dry) put it in two thick pigtail braids...and in the morning I have beach waves. Sometimes I will go over a few pieces on both sides with a curling iron to complete the natural waves look. Then gently spray. (I'm loving Surf Spray by Bumble & Bumble: find it here)