Monday, June 28, 2010

A Vacation...But Smaller

Thinking of what to do this summer? Bored of everything around you? Want to experience something new and exciting, but can’t go back-pack around Europe….yet? Well, why not take a day trip! 

Although Seattle is great, it could be fun to take a trip- you know, for bragging rights- just don’t tell anyone it was only a car or bus ride away!
For those of you with only access to public transportation - you’re not at a loss!:
      Experience True Seattle: Take the bus to downtown, go to Pike Place Market, see the
        first Starbucks, go see the Space Needle, EMP, Monorail, take the Underground Tour of
        Seattle, the Aquarium, the Waterfront, etc. 
        Go be a tourist for the day! You might see some new in the old!

        Fremont: Legendary for its summer solstice fair, Fremont is an exciting place to visit. Lots of cool shops and restaurants and city-life await!
Now if you do have a car - take a trip and get out of our fine city:
 Leavenworth ( A Bavarian town. Super cute small town with lots of outdoorsy activities, shops and food.

Mt. Rainier: We all can see it above the skyline driving into Seattle- why not go see it up close? Pack a picnic, go for a hike, perhaps a cute day-date?

        Snoqualmie Falls ( Again with the picnic idea, this is a great place for one. See the beautiful falls- it’s a site to not be missed! At the top you can see them, and then hike all the way down to where you can feel the intense mist! Make sure to guard your sandwich- no one like ‘em soggy!
 Now even COOLER- take a Ferry- getting there is half the fun!:
        Friday Harbor ( Just a ferry ride away to this San Juan Island. Shops, the best ice cream, seasonal whale watching, museums, parks, of course beaches (summer= you HAVE to go to the beach!), and much more!

        Bremerton (  Go see their Harborside Fountain Park, walk on the board walk, shop, and eat.
  To plan whatever “trip” look up:
·         Ferry information to get to wherever (
So…Pack a picnic, grab some friends, 
and go explore this summer! We definitely will! 
After being stuck here for 10 months in school, 
we've gotta get out, even if only for a day….
Love, Teenlink

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